Why Webflow Is Awesome

The Three Main Perks of Webflow

1. Automated Hosting

All you have to do to publish a website with Webflow is to have a domain name and to click a button! All of the complexity is done in the background and you don’t have to worry about it (more details in the second part).

2. Fast Development

Compared to the traditional way of building websites (i.e. writing HTML, CSS and Javascript by hand) Webflow considerably speeds up development time. And that’s a good thing for both of us!

3. Webflow’s Editor

Editing content on your website is very easy and intuitive thanks to Webflow’s Editor. It allows you to directly modify the content of a page, you don’t need any previous experience or technical knowledge.

If you’d like to know more about it check out its presentation on Webflow’s website.

Why Host with Webflow?

Webflow has four hosting pricing plans. Most likely you’ll be interested in the first two :

  • Basic for $15 per month (or $12 if paid annually) if you only need a static website without any dynamic content.

  • CMS (Content Management System) for $20 per month (or $16 if paid annually) if you want the ability to have dynamic data, such as blog posts and an editable list of authors for instance.

For more information, you can look at their pricing page.

Hosting costs might come as a surprise if you aren’t familiar with web technology, but all websites must be hosted somewhere and that’s not a free service. Compared to some basic plans Webflow’s pricing might seem a bit high but considering everything that’s included in their plan it’s actually very competitive.

Here’s a quick list of Webflow’s hosting features :

  • Managed Hosting: handles automated backups, security (malware scanning and removal), performance improvement, etc.

  • CDN (Content Delivery Network): Webflow has many servers all across the world ensuring very fast loading no matter where the user lives. Most basic hosting plans usually only come with one location (so the loading time might be slower for an Asian user if the server is in Europe for instance). With CDN included, most hosting plans have pretty similar pricing to Webflow.

  • Specialized Hosting: Webflow’s servers only host Webflow websites and are therefore fully optimized for them. Specialized offers for other solutions tend to be much more expensive, you can check out wp engines for Wordpress for example.

Contact Me

I have a full-time job, so I'm currently not available for work. Nevertheless, feel free to email me at foo@bar.com .